

A toolkit for ab initio thermochemistry

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1. G4(MP2) enthalpy of formation for the PPE1694 dataset
2. G4(MP2)-XP enthalpy of formation for the PPE1694 dataset
3. G4(MP2) enthalpy of formation for 270 entries in the G3/05 dataset
4. G4(MP2)-XP enthalpy of formation for 270 entries in the G3/05 dataset
5. G4(MP2)-XP enthalpy of formation for C60

1. G4MP2 enthalpy of formation for the PPE1694 dataset


The enclosed file PPE1694_G4MP2.csv contain geometries, frequencies and thermochemical energies of all 1694 molecules in the PPE1694 dataset calculated at the G4MP2 level. The file ATOMS_G4MP2.csv contains energies for the atoms using which atomization energy and standard formation enthalpy are calculated. Here is a screenshot of the output printed when running the python code enclosed in the zip.

 $ python3.9 calc_hof.py | tee outfile

 #Mol.      Atm. E      Form. H        Exp. form. H [all in kcal/mol]
     1     22.1762     53.3112         51.6000
     2    136.5204    -80.4132        -80.7800
     3    257.4797    -27.7258        -26.4100
     4    225.0425      0.0114          0.0000
     5     35.6105      1.3222          0.0000
  1690   2449.2282     12.4709         12.3000
  1691   2449.0343     12.8907         14.8000
  1692   2111.7479     11.3013         14.2000
  1693   1519.7924    195.8740        198.6000
  1694   1208.4291    -54.2314        -59.6000

To print geometry and frequencies, please edit the following lines in calc_hof.py

  print_geom='false' # Set to 'true' for printing geometries in g4mp2_geom.xyz
  print_freq='false' # Set to 'true' for printing frequencies in g4mp2_freq.dat

2. G4MP2-XP enthalpy of formation for the PPE1694 dataset


The enclosed file PPE1694_G4MP2-XP.csv contain geometries, frequencies and thermochemical energies of all 1694 molecules in the PPE1694 dataset calculated at the G4MP2-XP level. The file ATOMS_G4MP2-XP.csv contains energies for the atoms using which atomization energy and standard formation enthalpy are calculated. Here is a screenshot of the output printed when running the python code enclosed in the zip

 $ python3.9 calc_hof.py | tee outfile

 #Mol.      Atm. E      Form. H        Exp. form. H [all in kcal/mol]
     1     22.2452     53.2421         51.6000
     2    136.7751    -80.6680        -80.7800
     3    258.0407    -28.2868        -26.4100
     4    225.3437     -0.2898          0.0000
     5     36.0511      0.8817          0.0000
  1690   2450.5240     11.1751         12.3000
  1691   2450.3301     11.5949         14.8000
  1692   2112.8919     10.1574         14.2000
  1693   1520.6502    195.0162        198.6000
  1694   1209.9533    -55.7556        -59.6000

To print geometry and frequencies, please edit the following lines in calc_hof.py

  print_geom='false' # Set to 'true' for printing geometries in g4mp2_geom.xyz
  print_freq='false' # Set to 'true' for printing frequencies in g4mp2_freq.dat

3. G4MP2 enthalpy of formation for 270 entries in the G3_05 dataset


4. G4MP2-XP enthalpy of formation for 270 entries in the G3_05 dataset


5. G4MP2-XP enthalpy of formation for C60

The python code contains G4(MP2)-XP level geometry, harmonic frequencies, energies from CCSD(T), HF, and MP2 methods, and demonstrates how the atomization energy and standard formation enthalpy of buckminsterfullerene, C60 can be calculated.


After installing the pople code, running the above C60_enthalpy.py with python returns the following output

Atomization energy is              15.2943 hartree    
Atomization energy is            9597.3248 kcal/mol    

ZPVE is                           230.0659 kcal/mol    

             HOF_atoms(C)       HOF molecule  [all in kcal/mol]
             169.9800            600.4915
             170.0270            603.3115
             170.1100            608.2915