A toolkit for ab initio thermochemistry
5.1 Frozen geometry calculation
5.2 Atomization energy
5.3 Enthalpy of formation
5.4 Multiple calculations
See Installation for installing the code. The input file is a python script (see examples below) which may be executed as
python3 inp.py > out &
The number of processors and memory per core (as an option) have to be specified in the input file. In addition, the library variables for a parallel execution have to be set as follows.
export PATH=/apps/openmpi-3.0.0_install/bin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/apps/openmpi-3.0.0_install/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
The code requires one input python script (say, inp.py) and generates three output files.
NOTE: During multiple executions the outputs are appended.
Following is the content of the input script (say ‘inp.py’) for calculating the standard enthalpy of the H_2 molecule.
from pople import calculator as calc
import os
#=== Remove old files
os.system("rm -f ORCA.com ORCA.out Thermochemistry.out input.*")
geom = '''
0 1
H 0.0 0.0 0.0
H 0.0 0.0 0.7
out = calc(code='orca', code_exe=exe, method='g4mp2', xyz=geom)
print(' Standard enthalpy (at 298.15 K) is ', H,' hartree')
Here is a more detailed explanation of the input.
Every calculation must import the basic function ‘calculator’ from the pople package.
from pople import calculator as calc
If the old output files are removed, new output will be appended to existing files. So, it is recommended to remove previous output files as follows
import os
os.system("rm -f ORCA.com ORCA.out Thermochemistry.out input.*")
Every calculation requires four essential input arguments. The input are processed by ‘calculator’ using arbitray keyword arguments (**kwargs)
The input depends on the four keywords code
, code_exe
, method
, and xyz
. For other possible keywords (and their arguments) that can be provided to ‘calculator’, see Manual.
The geometry block collects the charge, multiplicity and Cartesian coodinates (in Angstroem) of the atom/molecule under consideration. The name of the block (here geom
can be arbitrary. This name has to be made the argument to the keyword xyz
For performing calculations with orca one must set the code
keyword to 'orca'
. The path of the orca binary has to provided as the argument to the keyword code_exe
. The keyword method
takes as argument the choice of theory, here set to 'g4mp2'
geom = '''
0 1
H 0.0 0.0 0.0
H 0.0 0.0 0.7
out = calc(code='orca', code_exe=exe, method='g4mp2', xyz=geom)
The function ‘calculator’ returns the output as a list, which is assigned to the variable out
. The first three elements of out
are internal energy at 0 Kelvin, internal energy at T (set to 298.5) Kelvin, and enthalpy at 298.15 K.
print(' Standard enthalpy (at 298.15 K) is ', H,' hartree')
The test jobs test_002_ionizationenergy_H2O
, test_004_electronaffinity_Cl
, test_005_protonaffinity_NH3
, and test_006_bindingenergy_HFdimer
contain input/output files for composite calculations.
Following is the input for calculating the adiabatic ionization energy of the water molecule from test_002_ionizationenergy_H2O
. The calculation returns zero-Kelvin internal energies, U0
, of the neutral and cationic species. Ionization energy is calculated as IP = U0_cation - U0_neutral
import os
from pople import calculator as calc
from pople import au2ev
#=== Remove old files
os.system("rm -f ORCA.com ORCA.out Thermochemistry.out input.*")
#=== Common inputs
#=== neutral H2O
geom = '''
0 1
O 0.0 0.0 0.0
H 0.96854 0.0 0.0
H -0.22812 0.0 -0.94129
out = calc(code='orca', code_exe=exe, method='g4mp2', xyz=geom)
#=== cation H2O
geom = '''
+1 2
O 0.0 0.0 0.0
H 1.01249 0.0 0.0
H -0.34159 0.0 -0.95313
out = calc(code='orca', code_exe=exe, method='g4mp2', xyz=geom)
print(' Ionization potential of H2O is ', (U0_cation-U0_neutral)*au2ev, ' eV')
This example shows how to use unit conversion factors coded up in the package.
from pople import au2ev
print(' Ionization potential of H2O is ', (U0_cation-U0_neutral)*au2ev, ' eV')
Water molecule’s IP calculated with the method='g4mp2'
turns out to be 12.5908 eV
, which is in very good agreement with the experimental value 12.619 eV
The test job test_003_enthalpy_H2_frozen_geom
shows how an optimized geometry and harmonic frequencies can be provided externally and a g4mp2
enthalpy calculation can be performed in a single-point fashion. This requires the keyword frozengeom
to be set to the value 'true'
, and harmonic frequencies (in cm^-1) are provided using a frequency block named here as freq
and made as the argument to the keyword freqcmi
geom = '''
0 1
H 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.02139720
H 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.72139720
out = calc(code=program, code_exe=exe, method='g4mp2', xyz=geom, frozengeom='true', freqcmi=freq)
The test jobs test_007_atomizationenergy_CH4
shows how to calculate atomization energy of CH4. Zero-Kelvin internal energy, U0
, of the molecule and constitutent atoms are calculated, and atomization energy is determined as the reaction energy Atm. Energy = U0_atoms - U0_molecule
A unique list of the constitutent atoms and their multiplicities are collected using
from pople import getatoms, uniqatoms, getmultip
atoms = getatoms(geom) # List of atoms
uniq = uniqatoms(atoms) # Unique atom data
N_ua = uniq["N_ua"] # No. of unique atoms
ua = uniq["uniq_sym"] # unique atoms
ua_N = uniq["uan"] # unique atom frequencies
multip=getmultip(ua) # Multiplicities of unique atoms
Total internal energy of all the atoms is calculated using
U0_atoms_total=0 # Sum of internal energy (at 0 K) of atoms
for i_ua in range(N_ua):
print(' Atom ', ua[i_ua], ' with multiplicity ', multip[i_ua])
#=== calculate for each unique atom
geom = (f'''0 {multip[i_ua]}
{ua[i_ua]} 0.0 0.0 0.0 ''')
out = calc(code='orca', code_exe=exe, method='g4mp2', xyz=geom)
U0_atoms_total = U0_atoms_total + U0 * ua_N[i_ua]
G4MP2-level atomization energy of CH4 can be calculated as
print( ' Atomization energy of CH4 is ', (U0_atoms_total-U0_mol) * au2kcm, ' kcal/mol')
which results in a value of 392.2148
kcal/mol which is in good agreement with the experimental value 397.94
The test jobs test_008_formationenthalpy_CH4
shows how to calculate the standard formation enthalpy of CH4 using previously determined atomization energy.
import os
from pople import au2kcm
from pople import getatoms, uniqatoms, getmultip
from pople import HOF_atoms, dH_atoms
#=== CH4
geom = '''
0 1
C 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
H 1.09336000 0.00000000 0.00000000
H -0.36445000 0.00000000 -1.03083000
H -0.36445000 -0.97188000 0.34361000
H -0.36445000 0.97188000 0.34361000
#=== from test_007_atomizationenergy_CH4/Thermochemistry.out
HTmol = -40.42387018
U0mol = -40.42768573
#=== from test_007_atomizationenergy_CH4/out
U0molAE = 392.2148180200836 / au2kcm
#=== Atoms
atoms = getatoms(geom) # List of atoms
uniq = uniqatoms(atoms) # Unique atom data
N_ua = uniq["N_ua"] # No. of unique atoms
ua = uniq["uniq_sym"] # unique atoms
ua_N = uniq["uan"] # unique atom frequencies
multip=getmultip(ua) # Multiplicities of unique atoms
#=== Enthalpy of formation
HT_form = HTmol - U0mol - U0molAE
for i_ua in range(N_ua):
HOF_0K = HOF_atoms(ua[i_ua])
dH_298K_0K = dH_atoms(ua[i_ua])
HT_form = HT_form + ua_N[i_ua] * ( HOF_0K - dH_298K_0K )
print( ' Standard formation enthalpy (at 298.15 K) of CH4 is ', HT_form * au2kcm, ' kcal/mol')
The test job test_009_methods_comparison_CH4
shows how to perform calculations with two methods using a for loop, compare the results in a table.
The test job test_010_methods_comparison_C6H6_parallel
presents similar results for the benzene molecule using 8 processors.
A comparison of the results (included as comments at the bottom of the inp.py files in both directories) shows that the accuracy of g4mp2-xp is marginally better compared to g4mp2. The speed in g4mp2-xp, due to DLPNO and RI approxations is noticeable for the larger molecule C6H6.
Method Atm. energy (kcal/mol) Form. enthalpy (kcal/mol) Time (sec)
g4mp2 392.2148 -17.6105 122.4531
g4mp2-xp 392.2910 -17.6868 191.8379
Exp. 397.94 -17.90
g4mp2 1306.6164 18.8675 1264.3296
g4mp2-xp 1305.8573 19.6262 796.0674
Exp. 19.70