A toolkit for ab initio thermochemistry
1. Basic input
2. Optional input
3. Advanced input
Every calculation requires four essential input arguments for the input keywords code
, code_exe
, method
, and xyz
These inputs are processed by the ‘calculator’ function of the pople code as arbitray keyword arguments (**kwargs) .
These keywords and their arguments are provided to the ‘calculator’ function as
pople.calculator(key1=arg1, key2=arg2, key3=arg3, key4=arg4)
Here is a specific example
from pople import calculator as calc
out = calc(code='orca', code_exe='/home/Lib/ORCA_420/orca', method='g4mp2', xyz=geom)
See also example-1 from Tutorials
Keyword: code
Argument (string): presently,
is the only allowed argument
Keyword: code_exe
Argument (string): Absolute path of the executable binary of the code
exe='/home/Lib/ORCA_420/orca' code_exe=exe
Keyword: method
Argument (string): Pople (version-21.04.0) supports
Keyword: xyz
Argument (string): Name of the geometry block. The geometry block collects the charge, multiplicity and Cartesian coodinates (in Angstroem) of the atom/molecule under consideration.
Usage:geom=''' 0 1 O 0.0 0.0 0.0 H 0.96854 0.0 0.0 H -0.22812 0.0 -0.94129 ''' xyz=geom
Keyword: nproc
Argument (integer): Number of cpu-cores for a parallel calculation
Default: 1
Usage of this keyword assumes that the library variables are set properly. For example, these may be set on the terminal (or in a job script) as follows
export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 export PATH=/apps/openmpi-3.0.0_install/bin:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/apps/openmpi-3.0.0_install/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Keyword: mem_mb
Argument (integer): RAM memory per core in megabytes
Default: 1000
Keyword: frozengeom
Argument (string):
for a frozen-geometry calculation.
If set to
, the keyword'freqcmi'
[next keyword below] has to be provided to ‘calculator’ See the test jobtest_003_enthalpy_H2_frozen_geom
Keyword: freqcmi
Argument (string): Name of the frequency block containing harmonic wavenumbers in cm^-1 Usage:
freq=''' 1671.78 3808.42 3912.50 ''' freqcmi=freq
See the test job
Coming soon