Course outline: 2022_QM1.pdf
Fundamental concepts: Stern-Gerlach experiment; State vectors and operators; Bra-Ket notation: Hilbert space, Inner products; Matrix representation: Eigenkets, Spin-1/2 system, Measurements: Observables, Compatible/Incompatible observables, Uncertainty relations; Change of basis: Transformation, Continuous representation: Position/Momentum representation, Dirac delta function, Gaussian Wavepackets
Quantum dynamics: Time evolution and Schroedinger equation: Energy eigenkets, Stationary/nonstattionary states, Spin precession; Schroedinger/Heisenberg picture: Ehrenfest theorem, Transition amplitude; Simple harmonic oscillator: Stationary states, Time-evolution; Wave mechanics: Probability density, Classical limit; Elementary solutions to Schroedinger wave equation: Free particles, Infinitesquare well, Finite-square well, Transmission-Reflection problems Simple harmonic oscillator, Linear potential
Theory of angular momentum: Rotations: Finite/infinite rotations, Commutation; Spin-1/2 system; Pauli 2-component quantum mechanics; Continuous groups: SO(3), SU(3), Euler rotations; Density operators: Pure-vs-mixed ensembles, time-evolution of ensembles, Quantum statistical mechanics; Eigenvalues and eigenstates of angular momentum; Orbital angular momentum: Spherical harmonics; Central potential problems, Hydrogen atom; Angular momentum algebra: Angular momentum addition,Clebsh-Gordon coefficients; Oscillator model of angular momentum; Spin correlation measurements; Tensor operators: Wigner-Eckart theorem
Approximation methods: Time-independent perturbation theory; Time-dependent perturbation theory; Application of perturbation theory to higher-order effects in Hydrogen atom; Degenerate and nondegenerate versions; Variational method; WKB method
Modern Quantum Mechanics, J. J. Sakurai, J. J. Napolitano, Cambridge University Press (Edition-3, 2021).
You can read these notes alongside the section in the reference text book given on the right side. This section will be updated as the course progresses.
For the 2022 course, please follow Sakurai’s book along with the additional notes provided above. In the next years, we may offer the QM-1 course based on combination of the following texts.
There are several books that discuss certain topics remarkably well. Here is a short list.
Further, there is a long list of classic texts that I will list some other time.
We will not discuss these topics in this course but for those interested in getting some idea of these topics, here is a list of references.
This list is maintained (and will be regularly updated) for the sake of collecting interesting articles that can be studied/discussed during the QM-1 course. Feel free to go through them. If you have any recommendations to this section, please send them to
Here is a tentative course outline: 2021_NM.pdf
We will closely follow the content of the book
Numerical Methods in Physics with Python, Alex Gezerlis, Cambridge University Press (Edition-1, 2020).
Additional material and errata collected by the author is availabe here:
Notes and programs etc. prepared for the course are available at
This course is offered along with Dr. G. Rajalakshmi ( This course aims to cover the advanced topics in Sakurai’s Modern Quantum Mechanics (Edition-3, 2021) and possibly some topics from other references.
Tentative course outline: 2021_DataScience.pdf
The presentation and the notebooks were prepared for the lecture Numerical Approaches for Quantum Mechanics on 30 December 2021 as a part of the program National Initiative on Undergraduate Science (NIUS). NIUS is an initiative of the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, TIFR.
The presentation and the notebooks were prepared for the lecture Computer-based Exercises in Physical Chemistry on 26 December 2021 as a part of the program National Initiative on Undergraduate Science (NIUS). NIUS is an initiative of the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, TIFR.
The presentation and the input/outfile files were prepared for the meeting “NMR meets biology” held during 05-11 December 2022.